Site on Bennetts Road/Fivefield Road adjacent to Bunsons Wood. Please make your objections by 1st October to as well as and

Policy H3 – Creating a sustainable Community. There is no provision in place in Keresley (Coventry) for a community centre, leisure facilities. The Parish Council requested that one of the retail outlets be designated for a community hub – this was rejected.
Policy GE3 – Protect enhance or restore habitat biodiversity. The developers have stated there will be a net gain for biodiversity. CCC ecologist disputes this. The Local Plan also states Biodiversity net gain in Keresley will not be achieved.
Policy EM2 – Building Standards. The house designs on the portal do not include floor area dimensions. Already it has been determined that both Bellways and Wimpeys do not meet the required minimum floor space for two of their house designs.
Policy EM4 – Flood risk. This is a high flood risk area with severe flooding in past years and as recently as 2020.
Policy EM5 – Drainage. Seven Trent have made it clear they do not have the capacity within their existing network to accommodate the housing proposed in Keresley. They have stated improvements are needed. New facilities planned by Seven Trent planned for 2030.
Amenities – They list a total of 19 amenities close to the site. Of these only three are within walking distance. They also include Coventry Colliery Club which has been built upon and a Co-op which does not exist.
Woodland Buffers – The drawings submitted by the developer states a buffer of 15m. This according to CCC planning document should be 20m plus 10m no build area. The developers have not included a planting design for the buffer and there should be a requirement in place to ensure the buffer is planted and established prior to commencement of construction. It should also be noted that a cycleway and footpath are shown on the plans leading into the buffer zone.
106 contributions – Education contributions being earmarked for schools not in Keresley. Still no firm details regarding the provision of a much needed primary school on the Wimpey development. CCC education have stated schools in the area were over capacity in 2022 and this continues to get worse.
106 contributions – Health No land allocated within the Keresley SUE for a Doctors Surgery. The Local plan states for this provision in Keresley ‘Not Known’. The facilities in the area can no longer cope with the increase. This is a very serious situation. There are no contributions for the Hospital. This is included on other applications. Is this an oversight by the planning department?
106 Contributions An amount of £912,000 towards a cycle route from Tamworth Road to Holyhead Road and from Bennetts Road to Barkers Butts Lane, although less than 1% of Coventry people cycle compared to £37,375 to improve the bus service.
106 Contributions – Sports facilities Again being directed towards projects not in Keresley. No sporting provisions included within the Keresley SUE area.
Traffic CCC have stated the Keresley SUE is dependant upon the Link Road. There is still not a final route for this road, funding in place or a firm date for completion.
Traffic Congestion The CASM report is modelled to 2026. The developments in Keresley will continue way beyond this time. The HS2 and Birmingham Airport projects have a completion date of 2026 and have not been included in the data. Junctions at Long Lane, Exhall Road and Penny Park Lane are over capacity.
Car Reliance Keresley is dependent upon the motor car. Poor public transport, amenities not within walking distance and situated on the very outskirts of the City.
Design details for the Woodland Buffer
Reports for sewerage facilities from Seven Trent.
Badger survey which should include surrounding area. A licence may be required.
Archaeological Survey prior to preparatory works to establish medieval route and ridge and furrow.
Trees. Your Local Plan recommends that trees to be removed for development should be CAVAT valued and suitably compensated for.
The Keresley SUE is being developed by nine different developers. There is no clear masterplan joining up these sites and addressing the requirements and needs for thousands of extra people expected to live in the area. Unless this is confidently addressed Keresley will not be a thriving community.