Please comment on the proposed Coventry air quality action plan, even if you only have the time to do it briefly. The consultation closes on Sunday so please try and get comments in this weekend (although late submissions will be still be accepted) –
Please find attached the background information from Coventry City Council, which is very minimal to say the least. The information provided is pitiful and the ambition is to scrape under the legal limits for nitrogen dioxide, mainly by pushing pollutants from one area to another (dump on thy neighbour plan). The plan is disgraceful because a) it fails to monitor pollution in large areas of the city and b) where it does monitor, it is only for NOx, and it ignores particulates, now recognised as a major cause of strokes, dementia, heart attack, asthma, and Covid 19 deaths.
Please also see attached response and presentation from the Coventry and Warwickshire Air Quality People’s Chamber – note especially slides 12- 15 which shows a steady rise in respiratory admissions to the local hospital as NOx concentrations have also gone up.