Urgent – Please Object

Dear Friends,

Please be ready to send objections to planning applications in Keresley, especially the Bellways 550 homes development off Tamworth road and Fivefield Road by close of play tomorrow, Friday 13th May.

These are the application references:

  1. RMM/2022/0636 Dwellings (37) off Keresley Link Road
  2. RMM/2022/0679 Dwellings (18) Tamworth Road
  3. RMM/2022/0678 Dwellings (205) Fivefield Road
  4. RMM/2022/0633 Dwellings (284) Tamworth/Fivefield Road

Included below are some points you may wish to reference for individual references:


  • Addition of two access points on Fivefield Road not approved in OUT/2019/0022. The decision notice approved two not four.
  • Failure to provide safe pedestrian access in Fivefield Road from the vehicle junction to the existing housing.  220 metres without a footway or street lighting.
  • Effective closure of footpath M315 by not providing a path alongside plot 498.
  • Effective closure of footpath M313 by not providing a suitable path through the development, instead proposing the use of the roadside footways.
  • Failure to provide suitable access for fire tenders on some of the “Private Drives” which are greater than 20 metres in length.
  • Use of plot vehicle access points as turning points which have the potential to become blocked.
  • Failure to provide bus stops as required by item 4 (iv) of the decision notice for OUT/2019/0022.


  • Failure to provide a suitable crossing point for footpath M315 as it crosses the Keresley Link Road.


  • Failure to provide suitable access for fire tenders on some of the “Private Drives” which are greater than 20 metres in length.
  • Use of plot vehicle access points as turning points which have the potential to become blocked.
  • Failure to provide bus stops as required by item 4 (iv) of the decision notice for OUT/2019/0022.


Objection for 0679 is the Cedar Tree which is awaiting a decision. 0679 and 0633 access onto Tamworth Road, they could be reminded of the planning application for converting Keresley Manor into a Boutique Hotel which was turned down with the excuse the Tamworth Road was a busy road and more accesses onto it would be dangerous. Recently Keresley Manor has had plans passed for a standalone house,  fronting Tamworth Road with its own driveway onto Tamworth Road, this layout was refused and they were told to use existing Keresley Manor drive.

Tree removal is 396 trees and 1844 metres of hedgerow with the statement THIS MAY CHANGE WHEN FINAL LAYOUT IS DETERMINED.

All applications concern the 20m buffer to Ancient woods. Advice from Woodland Trust, Warwickshire Wildlife and Warwickshire Biodiversity is a minimum 50m buffer to secure the future of both fauna and flora. Noise, pollution in air and soil & increases in lighting will be destructive to wildlife. Immediately  adjacent to the buffers the developers plan various access roads leading from the individual dwellings.

Hydrology and drainage has been questioned by Sylvan (developers surveyors) and Warwickshire Biodiversity as presenting a problem. The Woods are on a slope cumulating in a valley and the Hall Brook. There is  to be a balancing pool at the top of the slope thus interfering with natural water flow. This in itself would be destructive to the woods particularly the Alders which is a wet woodland.

Destruction of a Victorian Stable Block (no.0633) which is in good condition with a new roof and a World War One underground Bomb Shelter (0679).

The area was released from the Greenbelt on the assumption of an extraordinary population increase in Coventry, the Census is available shortly and any decisions  should not be made until after the true figures are published.

The area was released from the Greenbelt on the understanding the Keresley Link Road would be built to accommodate this expansion. This is in doubt. No decision should be made until the Link Road and funding for it is a certainty.

Traffic surveys for the area do not include all the relevant developments – Eastern Green, Meggitts, Allesley Wedge development two further Keresley developments and a huge under-estimate of Amazon traffic plus further developments on the Lyons site.

Please also see

Here are two documents detailing responses to both RMM/2022/0633 and RMM/2022/0678 please feel free to include points raised in these too.

Many thanks
