Amended plans for Tamworth Road / Fivefield Road

Many of you may have already received this notification from the council regarding the amended plans that have been submitted for the development at Tamworth Road and Fivefield Road. If you didn’t submit comments previously then please do so now – you have until the 28th March. Comments can sent to quoting ref OUT/2019/0022 or by post to Coventry Planning Department, Coventry City Council, P.O. Box 15, Council House, Coventry CV1 5RR quoting ref OUT/2019/0022.

All the information pertaining to this application is listed on the council website, the last items on this list include the recent changes

Specific points we’ve noted in the documents that you may wish to include in an objection to the development include

  1. Illustrative Ancient Woodland Buffer The developers are still insisting on a 15m buffer to Pikehorn and The Alders. They are intending to fence the woods with gaps at the base for wildlife foraging. Next to this buffer they are including a road for cars and pedestrians. Clearly a danger to wildlife. The high fence will also restrict light to the woods which could be detrimental. The Woodland Trust and Warwickshire Wildlife are still maintaining these woods should have a minimum 50m buffer and the Woodland Trust would prefer a 100m buffer zone.
  2. Consultation Response Highways England They are objecting. Full details in their response.
  3. Land Use & Green Infrastructure Plan (rev C) You can observe the trees and hedges they are planning to retain. (those not shown will be scrubbed).
  4. Access & Infrastructure Plan This outlines access points to the development. You may be concerned about the amount of properties that will access the Fivefield Road.
  5. Covering Letter The proposals to re-route the public footpath to Fivefield Road. A Highways document stated the current alignment should remain (source Keresley Parish Council). Sketchy details of the proposed Link Road.
  6. Travel Plan Suggestions for cycling within the site, distances to key facilities, suggestions for planned bus improvements but no clear plans in place. Interesting is a previous road survey stating there were no major road accidents reported in the area of the proposed development. Unfortunately during a five week period in January/February this year, there has been four accidents requiring ambulance/fire service attendance including one fatality on the Tamworth Road. The cycle routes DO NOT extend beyond the development. No substantial money for improvements to bus routes, no clear indication if these will eventually go  to key destinations – Station, Ricoh etc. plus local destinations – library, health centre, chemist, post office which are not within walking distance of the development. The distance to the proposed Primary School will be too far for a small child to walk twice a day.