Planning Applications

The first of 7 applications regarding 550 Dwellings on Fivefield/Tamworth Road has the cut-off date for objections coming up soon. This will be the first of the objections for applications with various cut-off dates in May.

  • RMM/2022/0680 Buffer to Ancient Woods. Comments no later 13.5.22
  • RMM/2022/0636 37 Dwellings off Keresley Link Road. Comments no later 13.5.22
  • RMM/2022/0679 18 Dwellings Tamworth Road. Comments no later 13.5.22
  • RMM/2022/0678 205 Dwellings Fivefield Road. Comments no later 13.5.22
  • RMM/2022/0678 284 Dwellings Tamworth Road. Comments no latter 13.5.22
  • OUT/2022/0712 290 Dwellings Fivefield/Bennetts Road. Comments no latter 7.5.22
  • OUT/2022/0713 260 Manor Farm. Comments no later 14.5.22

Ref. RMM/2022/0680 please send comments no later than 13th May 2022 to Quoting reference. Please see a suggested text below, but please amend to your own words:

I wish to object to the planning proposal of 20m buffer to Ancient Woods.

The 20m buffer is insufficient. Please be guided by the advice given by experts, namely Woodland Trust, Warwickshire Wildlife and Warwickshire Biodiversity Team who all say a minimum 50m buffer is needed to secure the future of these very important and unique woods. These can never be replaced. The wildlife within these woods require foraging distances in order to survive. Please also refer to the Warwickshire Biodiversity survey of this area as part of their LWS audits. THESE WOODS REMAIN THE MOST BIODIVERSE  POCKETS OF LAND WITHIN COVENTRY. LARGE SCALE HOUSING IN THE AREA WOULD BE DETRIMENTAL TO THE SITE. THIS AREA INCLUDES HABITATS SCARCE IN WARWICKSHIRE AND PARTICULARLY RARE IN COVENTRY. THE SITES HOLD MANY OF WARWICKSHIRES NOTEABLE AND UNCOMMON PLANTS, FIVE RED LISTED BREEDING BIRDS AND THE ONLY SITE LEFT IN COVENTRY FOR BREEDING CUCKOO.

Noise and pollution both air and soil, increases in lighting associated with building works and at the occupancy stage will all effect wildlife, flora and fauna.

The developers, surveyors and Warwickshire Biodiversity have expressed concerns regarding the effects of large scale housing and how changes to hydrology and drainage will effect the woods and habitats. The woods are sited on a slope cumulating into a valley and the Hall Brook. Changes in natural water flow could cause serious long term destruction.

The Developers list 124 trees and over half a mile of Ancient Hedgerows  planned to be destroyed with the comment ‘This may change when the final layout is determined.’

The aim of a developer is to maximise an area and include as many houses as possible. THIS SHOULD NOT BE AT THE EXPENSE OF A UNIQUE, IMPORTANT AND HISTORICAL AREA.