On 7th February Coventry Council agreed the application for 550 houses on the Tamworth Road/Fivefield Road site subject to Reserved Matters and 106 payment agreements.
We have argued the reasons why this application should not proceed:-
Traffic surveys do not include all the sites within the area, they calculate the traffic from only three sites for a total of 1850 houses. They have not included Eastern Green (2,500 houses + industrial) Meggitts Burnaby Road (500 houses + industrial) Penny Park Lane (444 houses) and Scoping Plans for 300 houses in Allesley and a further 600 houses in Fivefield Road.
The traffic surveys conducted for the Amazon warehouse site drastically underestimate the number of HGV’s accessing Lyons Park, planning has since been passed for additional warehousing and a lorry park.
They have refused to increase the buffer zones surrounding the Ancient Woods contrary to advice from the Woodland Trust and Warwickshire Wildlife who have asked for a minimum 50m buffer.
The Ecological surveys conducted by the Developers underestimate the Ecological importance and content of the area and differs in content from the Warwickshire Biodiversity report (they survey this area every 3/4 years) and state “ The LWS remains one of the most biodiverse and attractive pockets of land within Coventry, with the wet woodlands among the best in Warwickshire. The habitats have changed very little and the LWS status remains intact. Large scale housing in the area would be detrimental to the site.”